2024 The scope of the role of the Independent ReviewerPosted on the 11th Apr 2024
The Independent Reviewer has rightly restated that, following a submission to her from Women and the Church (WATCH) regarding the appointment of diocesan bishops in the Church of England and in line with the Church’s Five Guiding Principles, being a traditionalist is not a bar to becoming a diocesan bishop.
However, Forward in Faith also notes with concern that the Independent Reviewer has recommended in her report that consideration be given to re-examining the scope of her role. It is not clear to Forward in Faith from the contents of the report exactly what deficiency in the current arrangements would be met by such a change.
As WATCH has demonstrated in its referral on the appointment of diocesan bishops, any individual or interested party can make a referral to the Independent Reviewer. The Independent Reviewer can then assess the points made in those referrals.
The critical question must always be how those referrals relate to the 2014 House of Bishops’ Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests. If there has been any breach of that Declaration, from whatever part of the Church it might have come, then it needs to be addressed directly and transparently. However, simply not agreeing with, or feeling uncomfortable with, the contents of the Declaration can never be, and should never be, grounds for a referral to the Independent Reviewer.
The direction of travel being opened up by the Independent Reviewer runs the risk of undermining the Declaration, which quite rightly seeks to promote the flourishing of all parts of the Church and to uphold and protect the minority position in the Church of England, which in part occurs through the work of the Independent Reviewer.
Forward in Faith remains strongly of the view that the Church of England benefits from the breadth of its witness, including the catholic teaching and practice which it holds in common with the universal Church.
Festival 2024Posted on the 1st Apr 2024
12pm Sung Mass of Eastertide Preacher: Fr Kyle McNeil SSC High quality choral music followed by lunch with wine 2.15pm Meeting & presentations 3.30pm Benediction, finishing by 4pm
The National Festival is open to all Forward in Faith members. You are welcome to become a member and attend the Festival. The cost of attending the Festival is at a subsidised rate of £10.
To register, please do so either electronically or by post, stating either “individual member” or “corporate member” Electronically: transfer £10 to sort code 30-98-97 & account number 00384131, with your surname as a reference & emailing with your name, address & any dietary requirements
By post: send a cheque for £10 payable to Forward in Faith at 5 St Andrew Street, London EC4A 3AF along with your name, address & any dietary requirements
Statement from The Society and Forward in Faith on the Prayers of Love and FaithPosted on the 15th Dec 2023
Advent 2023
In this season of Advent, we join each of you in watching and waiting for the Christ who comes to meet us. We turn towards him in penitence, mindful of our sins and failings, but also in hope, and in joyful expectation of the fulfilment of His promises and the coming of His kingdom.
You will have seen that the House of Bishops has now commended the ‘Prayers of Love and Faith’ (PLF) and has issued Pastoral Guidance which provides the framework within which they may be used. We are glad to read in the Pastoral Guidance that:
The Bishops of The Society, mindful of their calling to be guardians of the doctrine of Christ as the Church of England has received it, which doctrine is expressed in the common prayer of our liturgy, will not be using the PLF in public prayer. We recognise, however, that the nature of the commendation means that local decisions lie solely with clergy and their PCCs. Society Bishops will be offering further guidance on the PLF to the clergy in their care in due course.
We continue to rejoice that the parishes and worshipping communities in our care are places of welcome for all, where those from diverse backgrounds and households can come together as God’s people united around the one altar of sacrifice of the New Covenant.
In Advent we recall the place of Mary in the story of our salvation. Her example is of a life lived wholly for God, utterly transparent to His loving purposes. May her prayers support us as we seek, by God’s grace, to grow in holiness and do His will.
+ JONATHAN FULHAM The Rt Revd Jonathan Baker, Bishop of Fulham, Chairman of The Society’s Council of Bishops
+ PAUL OSWESTRIENSIS The Rt Revd Paul Thomas, Bishop of Oswestry, Chairman of Forward in Faith
A new Chairman of The Society’s Council of Bishops and a new Chairman of Forward in FaithPosted on the 30th Nov 2023
Feast of St Andrew, 2023
After nine years as the Chairman of The Society’s Council of Bishops [Note 1] and as the Chairman of Forward in Faith [Note 2], the Right Reverend Tony Robinson, the Bishop of Wakefield, has chosen to step down from both roles.
The bishops of The Society have chosen the Right Reverend Jonathan Baker, the Bishop of Fulham, to succeed Bishop Tony as the Chairman of The Society’s Council of Bishops.
The trustees of Forward in Faith have chosen the Right Reverend Paul Thomas, the Bishop of Oswestry, to succeed Bishop Tony as the Chairman of Forward in Faith.
Bishop Jonathan commented:
Bishop Paul commented:
Prayer for The Society
Heavenly Father, Bless the bishops, clergy and people of The Society. Bind us together in love and faith. Renew us in service and witness. And by your Holy Spirit Guide our future and make plain your purposes. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us. Saint Andrew, pray for us. Saint Wilfrid, pray for us. Saint Hilda, pray for us.
Note 1 The Society is an ecclesial body, led by a Council of Bishops. The purposes of The Society are to:
Note 2 Forward in Faith is a registered charity which:
Sir Richard MantlePosted on the 17th Jun 2023
Forward in Faith is delighted to note that its Treasurer, Dr Richard Mantle, has received a knighthood for services to opera in the recently announced King's Birthday Honours List. Many congratulations, Sir Richard!